Stop Smoking, No Butts About It!


       Bidis (pronounced bee-dees) are thin unfiltered cigarettes hand-wrapped in brown leaves and tied with short pieces of thread. School kids under 18 buy them because they are cheaper than the cost of  regular cigarettes and come in a variety of flavors including root beer, orange, lemon-lime and strawberry. Teens might ask, "If they come in all these cool flavors then how could they be harmful?" Well, Bidis have two to three times more nicotine than regular cigarettes! And 44 percent of teens that smoke Bidis smoke them because they think it isn't addictive or dangerous to their health. Because Bidis deliver greater doses of nicotine to the bloodstream, they are far more addictive than cigarettes. Also, Bidis, like cigarettes cause health issues such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other serious health problems.   

       ↑   These are Bidis that are imported from India. They may look small and harmless, but the effects of these little guys are much worse than regular cigarettes!

Works Cited

 Author Unknown, “Bidis Smoking” Date Created: Unknown  Date Accessed: April 6, 2011
Facts From: U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, “Bidi Smoking and Health”  Date Created: 2009  Date Accessed: April 7, 2011